Shop Time

[wc_row][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”first”] Will you look at that? Two posts on the same week! Mind blowing I know but I just had to share some fun things happening at the old shop. On my recent trip to the Ozarks I picked up a metal sign that I wanted to put up in my shop. I had a little problem I had to take care of before I could put the sign up. My shop was (is) a mess and not very efficient for working in. This makes things very difficult for working on winter projects or hanging moped art. I have also been sitting on a couple other pieces I have been wanting to hang but the motivation has been lacking on my part.

Well it was time get in gear and get the clean up started. I started by putting away the tools I had tossed in a box to haul with me to the rallies. ( Side note, I need to build up a rally tool box that I can just toss in the old beater and haul with me. )ย While putting the tools away I thought to myself, I need a better system for tool organization. So I took a little a trip (several) to the hardware store and have been slowing building up my organization plan for ease of access to my bike working tools. I really want to have a straight forward system for being able to get the tool I need andย be able to putย it back to clean up after myself.

So in the midst of working on the tool plan Iย also started hanging some of the artwork. Which then in turn got me to thinking about how awesome it would be to display my engine collection for oogling. Not to mentionย I would have quick access to one if I should ever want to swap one out. I had the engines hiding in a cup board but that’s boring and l want my shop to be fun! I also added a shelf to put some other items on once I figure out what they are. The end goal for this is to have my tools organized by the type of project I would need them for, etc, Garden tools, Moped tools, Home Repair.. Of course some of tools will over lap but at lease each item will have a proper place. ( I hope. )


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