Holiday Notice

Hello Pacer Family,

In these past couple years we have all come to expect the unexpected and we here at The Wandering Pacer would like to thank you for your continued patience as we all work to stay safe during this trying time. With the holidays coming up we want you to know that we will do our best to get your orders out the doors in a timely fashion to try and beat that rush, however know that our fulfillment times and carrier shipping estimates can change based on various factors, such as shipping delays, unexpected technical difficulties, or harsh weather.

As always, If you have any questions about your current orders or would like to check for updates, please feel free to contact us at,ย [email protected].

Stay Safe and ride on!

The Wandering Pacer Team

See below the estimated deadlines for product categories shipped to the US.ย  Dates are estimates and are not guaranteed. Current as of 11.24.2022.
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