
Shop Time

Wow, Long time no post. A lot of things have happened that seem to have gotten me off track for June. The first of which was the Omaha moped rally, Rally of the Corn. This was Omaha's 3rd such rally and the biggest one yet. I believe someone had counted a total of 85 riders?ย 

This was a great event and I had a lot of fun meeting everyone and talking mopeds. I even acquired a new Morini project bike to rebuild. But that will have to wait till I get my main ride back on track. It seems that the heat of the rally has caused some performance issues with the Pacer and I better get it figured out before my next planned trip. So far it is running but not with the full Morni force I am used to and it likes to sputter.ย I have been trying to still get out as I trouble shoot this but have cut back some as the weather has not been playing nice with the heat wave and down pours.

Anyway, I hope to be back up and running 100% soon and getting more great content to populate this site with. Oh and if any of you are planning to hit up the Zeros rally be sure to stop buy and said Hi. ๐Ÿ˜€

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